Thursday, September 01, 2005

We have a winner.. or TWO!

Ok.. so here we go.. as promised we have the first winner of the nifty 5x7 contest... actually... we have 2 winners... I decided to split the entries into 2 catagories.. Family & Readers... so.. without further ado... here we go...

My first Family winner! Deb, from all the way down there in lovely (or so I'm told) Georgia... Congrats Deb... your 5x7 of "My Ride" is on it's way...

The first Reader winner! Scott from over at Blog Beat! Congratulations Scott, your 5x7 of "Fall Wall" will be sent out to you shortly...

So there you have it.. guys you'll be receiving confirmation emails shortly... and the rest of you all.. better luck next time... don't forget to re-enter for September's giveaway!


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