So... if you read along you know I'm a Lost fan... and if you are too you know that last nite was the season premiere... Lovely... was great to see one of my favorite shows again... but frankly... the jury is still out as to my opinion of it... we got some great information... little Walt showing up soaking wet (did the Others toss him over board?)... but probably most importantly we got into the hatch... and that's where I'm torn...
I love a mystery... and I love to solve a mystery... but in order to solve it you have to have some clues... what I would like to know is, how are we supposed to solve it when the guy that lives down there only shows up in flashbacks NOW. Wouldn't it have been a little more solvable if Desmond had shown up in some of Jack Flashbacks.. oh.. say... in the middle of last season!
So now we're at a point of:
1. Who's Desmond?
2. Why and against whom was he racing around the world?
3. How did he end up down the hatch?
4. What's with the computer lab down there? (could it be as I predicted a gov. testing site?)
5. Why was it quarentined? (again, was I right? radiation experiments?)
I guess we'll have to all watch and see, although I fear it'll be a good long while before we get anymore information handed to us!
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