Friday, August 10, 2007

Fridays commute to work

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Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura
Hey.. it's not easy... stepping out on the porch.. seeing the rain... and stepping back into the office...

The rain really seems to bring all the hummingbirds to the feeders. I've counted six at one time now! I bought a second feeder to keep the fights at the old one to a minimum, at the time I only had 3 hummers hanging around, now the new feeder has attracted 3 more birds! It's like watching old World War II airplane dog fight film footage. I've gotten caught up in the middle of a couple of battles while out there on the cell phone... It isn't easy conducting a decent conversation when your half screaming in fright and half laughing cause you've got 4 of them flying right at your head!

Oh.. but now... That's entertainment!

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