Anyway... posting may get a bit scarce around here as I've got a couple "HOT" new business ventures on my plate that will be announced later, you know, once the trademarks and copyrights are all in place, and the details worked out. It's all very exciting and time consuming! But hey.. I love this stuff!
At least it doesn't seem that I missed much while I was off being tossed around a cruise ship in the middle of the Atlantic.
- There doesn't seem to be any news about the woman that was murdered in her home in Ware. Scary to think that the sick bastard that would beat the life out of an 83 year old woman is still out there walking around.Anyway... that's about it for now on this lovely mild, foggy November Sunday morning!
- AMC seems to finally get it that Sunday morning television is better served with a good old Sci Fi movie rather than a morning full of old John Wayne Westerns. They are actually playing "The Day The Earth Stood Still" this morning... yup, the movie I just bought... of course... we finally get in the correct genre' and they start things off with one that I just purchased. Typical.
- The Chicopee Mayor... why is there even a debate or polls asking if the guy should resign? They have the sleaze on tape taking $5,000 campaign contributions in exchange for towing contracts. HELLO?? Am I crazy or does this automatically mean "impeach the guy & put every contract that he awarded during his tenure back up for bid"... OK.. so there is that sticky "innocent until proven guilty" stuff, so maybe instant impeachment isn't quite constitutional, but if the bid process for some contracts are under suspicion, I don't see what the problem would be with a new bidding process on these. Plus.. shouldn't those bids still be part of the public record somewhere? Maybe it doesn't even need to go to 'new bids', just review the bids that were placed on the contracts in the first place... Anyway, the whole thing is just disappointing and maddening... Nobody likes a dirty city!
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