Saturday, November 26, 2005

Food, Family and Fun...

It was a great Thanksgiving... even with the 3 inches of snow... actually that just made it all really pretty... So, we've survived another Turkey Day here at 9 2 Bay... The crowd was a little thinner than I had hoped as both my brothers and their respective "significant others" were missing, but a wonderful time was had by all... I managed to get ahold of that second "set it and forget it" rotissiere and both turkeys were done to a turn (pun intended!)... nothing burned... no-one got upset (which is AMAZING when Mother and I get in the same room never mind try and cook together!)... we had a ball playing "Catch Phrase" for hours after dinner as we snacked on the multitude of deserts and reverse appetizers... SUCCESS!

So now we just have a lovely long weekend to relax and ruminate about the whole lovely affair... my house is actually clean for a change and feels really nice... and we still have a plethora of lovely foods to snack on... now if I could just do something about that turkey smell that fills the kitchen every time the fridge is opened... it's always something...


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