Friday, May 20, 2005


Well.. you would have gotten a new pic here today but "Hello" the program I use to upload the images doesn't seem to be working... so I guess I'm gonna have to come up with some text for you poor deprived readers... yes.. it's been a week since I posted, although I'm feeling pretty deprived myself.. the 'other' weblogs that I read (yes, there are other weblogs out there besides yours trulys!) seem to be suffering from a lack of postage this week as well.. Maybe it's the weather, which frankly has been soso lately.. pretty cold out there really..

So... what to write about... well.. considering I haven't been anywhere in the real world all week it's gonna have to be computer related or television related.. hhmm.. well.. we've already covered the weather... *sigh... yup... pretty cold out there... uummm.... well... ok.. so lets see if Hello comes back online anytime soon...

ok.. ok... give me a minute and I'll be back!

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