Wow.. 5 days since I've posted.... bad.. bad... bad... but pulling 13 - 14 hour days all week will do that to you.. and that isn't even including drive-time, cause frankly I haven't been driving... I've just been holed-up in my home office - tied to my wireless keyboard.. which is a neat trick considering it has no wires to tie with... I shudder to think how far behind I'd be in my work if I was actually taking that lovely leisurely drive along 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10 every day... OH.. but I do miss it.. I'm sure the apple trees are in full bloom by now at Atkins... and I had such high hopes to stop alongside the road and snap some images and breathe in their lovely sweet scent... but it's just not gonna happen this week... I'll just have to take an extra-curricula ride out there this weekend and take the camera along with me..
Anyway... so whats been going on lately..
OH.. thanks to another of Masslives blogs I was treated to this pic. Really cool.. someone had a Fisher Cat up a tree in their back yard in Florence... Frankly I'll take my hawk... Fisher's are mean - nasty - agressive creatures.. although it would be really cool to spot one... guess this pic will have to do.. They are also very secretive - hard to find animals...
The Runaway Bride - so.. are you as sick of hearing about this narcisistic idiot as I am? I don't even know this woman and I'm pissed at her... I was actually worried about her... watched the newscasts about her disappearance... wondered where she could be and what may have happened to her... She wasted my time and I want it back!!! She's a 32 year old grown woman for pete's sake... a 12 year old might pull something like that and I'd say.. "Oh.. I'm just glad she's safe.. kids make mistakes.." but come on!! You know... I wanna be the City Clerk in her home town... NOPE... sorry... no marraige license for you... we don't allow people with the common sense of a 12 year old to get married... go GROW UP you idiot..and then come back and see me! HA!
And speaking of being out of touch with reality... working here in my home office I've been running the tv in the background as I work... I've actually (gasp) become quite a fan of Regis and Kelly.. Kelly really is quite the comedian... but Regis... my god... what rock does he live under... Everyday Regis pulls a couple of stories out of the news and does a few minutes rant about it... well... one of them he pulled was how the iPod has increased Subway crime... first he starts out with... how the crime rate has gone up on the RAILROAD... railroad??? huh??? what's a railroad? Kelly was able to translate that one thankfully.. you mean Subway? Oh.. yeah.. subway... then he proceeded to state that cell phones are the cause of the crime wave... cell phones??? I read that article and it's iPods that are the hot new item on the theives list... he then proceeded to discuss how he never uses his cell phone.. yadda yadda yadda... so.. Reg.. in his hepcat brilliance read iPod and thought it was some type of hot new cell phone... *sheesh... one of the few people that could actually afford an iPod and the 10 grand worth of tunes to fill it up with and he ain't got a clue... maybe I could write him a letter and convince him that I'm a disadvantage person that really needs an iPod so my sick mother will have a way to call me if she needs me and get him to spring for one of those spiffy new musical phones! double HA!
Well.. that's more than enough for today I think...
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