Monday, August 11, 2008

The appeal of heavy equipment

The appeal of heavy equipment
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

They had my favorite shooting area blocked off today to backblade the road and dig a drainage ditch. I don't know what it is about heavy equipment, but the desire to watch it work apparently crosses all species.

Sorry for the lack of updates here, it's been a crazy busy week. They are still ripping up my road, adding extra time to my travels. They've stopped delivering my mail due to the construction, which added another half an hour to my day, you know, to go down to the post office and yell at them for being such a bunch of prissy pansies, and then one by one, everyone in the house has been sick with the flu. So far I've escaped it, but I'm thinking it's only gonna be a matter of time. Add in major, drenching thunderstorms EVERY single nite just as I'm making my drive home and August is really starting to irk me.

I do have some pics still loaded on the camera card from several days ago that hopefully I'll get the chance to download and at least LOOK at shortly... Sheesh!

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