It's fall...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura.
I just got a really nice, and yet slightly puzzling, call from Honey Bee Orchard today.. you know.. where I have my greeting cards. Seems there was a gentleman in there yesterday that spent more than a half hour and 2 cups of coffee going thru every single card - both large and small - on both my racks. He identified himself to Jody as a "Professional Photographer" and get this.. HE LOVED MY STUFF! Woohoo.. Seems he insisted on taking down all my information and my URL for future looking... She said he was full of questions.. do I do portraits.. I should blow this one up and frame it for sale... The light and angle on that one is awesome... and on and on... so much so that Jody couldn't get a word in edgewise to get HIS information... so... I guess it'll be a mystery until/unless I hear from him... and I hope I do... sounds like if nothing else he would be an interesting person to talk to... but in the meantime... I'm just REALLY flattered!
How weird....I was just thinking about you and your photography and how fabulous it always is. I was trying to think of ways you could make (monetary) use of your God given talent. Seems to me you should be able to benefit very well financially from it in some way....ex. framed art work (sold on Cape Cod?), photography studio, working for real estate people taking photos of buildings/houses, going up in helicopters to take areial shots for business, selling your greeting cards on a much larger scale (Hallmark, American Greetings), and I could go on and on. You are extremely talented--make use of it!
Thanks you guys... Always happy to hear my pics are appreciated... :) Some great ideas there anonymous.. although I think I'll leave the helicopter rides to those photographers who wouldn't have to shoot with their eyes closed! LOL... I'm in the process of coming up with 'new products' for the pics... a line of fridge magnets (how low can "art" go?)... and maybe talk to a couple more Orchards/Gift shops and see if I can get my cards in there... or a few prints...
Roberta.. :) thanks... but if I'm the highlight of your day.. Korey must not be doing things correctly... LOL Want me to have a talk with his Mom and see if she can give him some pointers? ;) How old does a guy have to be before he's not mortified by advice from his mother and auntie? I don't think people are living that long as yet...
Anyway.. thanks you 2... ya'll made my day!
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