A bitch of a week or how the dog killed my hamster
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura.
Poor Purina... That's right.. in case you can't read it, the note says "Passed on to another life"... This is what greeted me this morning when I went to give her her breakfast. My husband just called to fill in the details.. It seemed somewhere around 2am the Stupid Little Angry Dog was bouncing off the bedroom door to be let out. So my husband, thinking that last nites snack of leftover pizza had gotten to her, opened the door and proceeded to take her upstairs to let her out. As they opened the door at the top of the stairs they both spotted something brown and fuzzy go shooting past. And the chase was on. Unfortunately for Purina (sob**) Gretchen is part Jack Russell terrier - as in - rat killer! Before my husband could stop her she was happily running around the house with the poor little thing in her mouth. He was able to get Purina away from Gretchen, but (sob**) too late. Even with my anti-hamster escape efforts of wiring her door shut she was still able to push the door open enough to get out. And nature being what it is, the hamster's urge to escape and the Stupid Little Angry Dog's built in need to catch fuzzy rodents was too much for the both of them. So Purina.. OH PURINA IS GONE... and the dog can't figure out why I'm mad at her when I should be proud of her for doing 'her job'... *sigh... It's been a bitch of a week...
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