Saturday, August 28, 2004

Run Nellie, run...

The cow is escaping.. the cow is escaping...  down across from Hartsbrook last nite one of the cows.. we'll call her Nellie.. managed to escape the confines of the pasture..  so what's so unusual about that? Cows escape all the time.. what was amazing about this one was the support that she received from her fellow bovines..  they were all lined up against the fence, literally reveling in Nellie's escape..  As Nellie cavorted on the outside of the fence they were packed in like sardines at the corner of the fencing, tossing their head, swishing their tales, and jockeying for a better view of their escaped friend..  some definite excitement in that crowd..  makes you wonder if they were cheering her on or trying to talk her back in.. my bet is they were playing 'lookout' for her..  "Quick Nellie... run.. run now.. the warden went in for dinner.. now's your chance..  Run Nellie.. RUN!!"  Pretty funny.. just hopefully the warden caught up with her before she wandered into the road..

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