Thursday, September 16, 2004

Missing Again....

So, once again, it's been awhile since I've blogged. The usual excuses, busy.. busy.. busy.. oh.. and throw in a lovely one week vacation to Chatham on Cape Cod.. then of course you have the obligatory 3 days of playing catchup.. and that was just the email..
Anyway.. the route in to the office has become quite the treat.. the trees are starting to change.. lovely foggy mornings settling over the corn fields.. the pumpkins are showing their happy orange faces to the world.. Atkin's apple trees are bowing under the weight of the reddening fruit.. and the sunflowers are bowing their heads on these chilly mornings... really lovely..
I promise I'll drag the camera along with me sometime in the near future and get some photo's.. I can only hope that the lovely white bird that has taken up residence in the beaver swamp at the Quabbin doesn't fly the coop till I can get my shots in!

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