Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.
I picked up the first set of prints from Dad's 1951 Voigtlander Vito II... and I'm REALLY pleased with them... They did a crappy job of printing them tho - when I look at them on the computer the color is so much better than what they printed! I'm just so happy it still works... and that even after 20 years of not shooting any manual photos that I was able to figure it out! All in all a great success!! Unfortunately, the roll that was in the camera came back with just one picture - one that I had taken to finish up the roll... OH well.. you can't have everything...
So now.. I've got a another roll down at the CVS one hour photo.. this time out of my 1981 Minolta XG-1... yes.. my first 'real' camera... that I thought was broken for the last 7 years (or more)... it's been resurrected and I hope the photo's from it will be as good as I remember... I'll be picking them up this afternoon.. so I suppose you'll see!
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