Monday, March 07, 2005

Vacation state of mind....

So it's getting really hard to concentrate here on 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10... getting SO close to vacay now I can taste that salty sea air.. or maybe I just went a little nuts with the saline solution when I put the contact lenses in this morning! Either way, the countdown has begun...

I've been doing alot of research here.. on cruises.. cruising.. and the various islands we'll be visiting.. only problem is.. during my vacation investigations I've come across several 'deals' that well... ya' just can't pass up... namely..

BERMUDA!!! I was able to find a cruise that leaves Boston.. yes... that's right BOSTON... The Norwegian Majesty... it does a roundtrip Boston - 7 nights - with 4 days docked in lovely St. George Bermuda... an inside cabin for 2... 1400 bucks! People.. that's $200 a night!! You can't get a freakin hotel room in Bermuda for that... never mind that you not only have an ocean view (if you go up on deck).. your IN THE FREAKIN' OCEAN!!! The view doesn't get any better than that... OH... and did I mention... they FEED you too! And very very well I might add... so... nope.. no extra cost for food... ok.. so your bar bill will be extra (but there's ways around that!) but $200 a night for a room and food for 2 people!! OH... and did I further mention... NO AIRFARE!!! That's right... drive on in to Boston.. park for $12/day and hop on board... Don't ya' just love a bargain!! I know I do.... that's why I booked us for the October sailing!!

Man.. I'm starting to sound like a travel agent here... but hey... when I find a bargain I like to pass it along... and for 7 nights in Bermuda at $100 per night per person WITH room and board... it doesn't get any better than that! At least now too when we take that long sad flight back from Puerto Rico at the end of this vacation - it may not be so sad... it'll be one vacation down and another one coming up to look forward to... I may just have to do this all the time... make sure I've always got a vacation in the hopper... hey.. everyone needs something to look forward to now don't they... :)


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