Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura
More from my office window. Have I said I love the view from my window? I do, however, when that massive storm blew through the city yesterday I was beginning to rethink the whole "window seat" concept.
There is always something happening on Route 9 to Bay Road, back to Route 9, across the river, thru the center of Northampton, and on down 10!
More from my office window. Have I said I love the view from my window? I do, however, when that massive storm blew through the city yesterday I was beginning to rethink the whole "window seat" concept.
I've shot in this exact same spot a hundred times. Easily, a hundred times! I think this is time I've gotten the shot I was looking for all along!
I'm not quite sure if I should be thrilled or a little sad that now it's kinda 'over'...
YAY... It's Pugsly! He's been missing for weeks... Well, ever since my son and his girlfriend gathered up all the barn cats and took them all for a ride on "Feral Sunday" and got them all operations. They spent two days setting traps and gathering cats from near and far. I was convinced that Pugsly would be too smart and too missing to catch, but he showed up in the last trap, at the last minute and made the trip with the rest of the cats. When they all came back, minus a few bits and pieces, he took off for the hills and hasn't been seen since. It's nice to see he's getting over his loss and is starting to come back around.
There were actually 6 babies but one of them was hanging out with Dad.
Hey, at least it's not an archive shot. I've been a bit busy lately and haven't even really had time to pick up the camera, never mind actually shoot it and process something. Actually, I haven't been so much 'busy' as "off schedule". The new job (which is absolutely freakin' wonderful, btw, thanks for asking!) has my schedule all topsy turvy right now and I've yet to get a handle on re-arranging my personal time. You know, it's that typical "How was your day?" conversation. Normally, when you've been in the same job for 2, 5, or 7 years the answer is pretty quick, "Fine and yours?" but with a new job comes 3 hour conversations and it seems I still only scratch the surface of what I've been doing, learning, seeing, talking about, and have scheduled.
Every day is an adventure and I'm lovin' it but I'm afraid shooting has temporarily taken a back seat. I'm sure I'll get back at it shortly.
NORTHAMPTON - The cleanup of leaking fuel from a tractor trailer truck has backed up northbound traffic on Interstate 91 near Exit 18.
Massachusetts State Police Trooper Robert L. Wyckoff said the driver swerved to avoid a deer and hit the guardrail. The fuel is leaking from the tractor's own tank.
No injuries were reported and the deer has fled the scene, Wyckoff, who is attached to the Northampton barracks, said.