Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I'm a bit excessive...

I missed me...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura
Not sure if I posted this selfie to the blog as yet... but I figured it was easier to dig thru the archives and post one than it was to shoot another one for this post... Yup... this post is about me... Lucky you...

Seems I'm a bit excessive... I finally had that job review that the Wally World "forgot" about... and apparently.. I exceed at just about everything... well... of course there are some things that you just can't exceed at but only "meets expectations".. I mean... what can you say... "I worked the heck outta that dress code." Yeah... ok... Good for you... So anyhow... I managed to get the full raise that according to other associates "no one EVER gets the full 60 cent raise." :)

Oh... but it gets better... during my review I was also told about a possible promotion, pending approval of the boss man, that they wanted me to consider... Well... I considered it... and considering the new job is 80% stuff that I already do... uuummm... yeah.. I'd be interested in the pay grade increase... (clever how I figured that out isn't it?) Well... long story short... I got called into the Manager's office last nite to accept my job offer... and my additional 20 cent raise...

So... apparently... I am an extra 80 cents an hour worth of excessive... and it hasn't gone unnoticed... imagine that!



Anonymous said...

So what's your new title? COngrats!

Laura Merwin said...

I am now a "Sales Floor Associate" for the Unmentionables Department... As I said.. my job will stay 80% the same as I basically stepped into the Sales Floor Associates job when she retired... just a few new things to learn about setting up new displays.. labeling shelves.. etc... but once they hire a couple more people I won't be having to cover the phones as much... which is about the only thing I dislike about my job... not answering the phones.. that I don't mind.. but not being able to go to the bathroom when I need to without having to find someone to cover them before I can go.. a literal pain in the arse...