Friday, June 29, 2007

Summer Fireworks

Summer Fireworks
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura
Sometimes when you use the option in Photoshop to allow it to adjust the exposure automatically you get unexpected results. It killed the bright orange of the tiger lily, but it turned the grey cement background a beautiful sky blue. I love it.

Speaking of fireworks... Ware's fireworks are scheduled for tomorrow nite.. I was hoping to do a little scouting about for a really cool location to get some good shots of them but time is running a bit short.. you know.. someplace not too close but yet not too far.. I'm not a fan of those "just the firework" pictures, to me, you really need a building or river or something else in the frame to make the pictures more interesting. I'll have to think on it tonite and tomorrow and get Mr. 9 2 Bay to do the same... if you have any recommendations.. I'd love to hear them!

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