Saturday, September 30, 2006

Church Keeper

Church Keeper
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura.

A section of the Big E (Great States Exposition) is dedicated to the past... but I tell you.. it's not easy getting a picture that doesn't include someone in a t-shirt and sneakers walking past...

HEY... good news... the Manager of Honey Bee Orchard where I put my cards up for sale on Friday morning had some great news for me this lovely saturday morning... seems 'several' of my cards sold yesterday, with the first sale coming within 45 minutes of my having set them up... YEAH!!!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Say "CHEESE"...

Say "CHEESE"...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura.

Yeah... it was even scarier in person! ;)

Woohoo... and the big news is.... I'm selling my cards.. right now... as I type this note here at my computer desk.... cool huh? I spent this morning setting up a couple of racks full at Honey Bee Orchard on Route 9 in West Brookfield! YEAH! We'll see how they do... this is the perfect time to get them in there, what with all the leaf peepers soon to be out and about by the BUSLOAD.. that's right.. I said.. BUSLOAD... seems they very often have busses full of leaf peeping senior citizens stop by the store... So if your in the neighborhood.. stop on by and pick up some apples, or one of their lovely homemade breads, and of course, a lovely New England Photo Card!


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Red Red Vine...

Red Red Vine...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura.

What a pretty morning here in New England... I skipped out on work this morning just so I could do a little shooting in the early morning light, of course, I still never got started till after 9:30... *sigh... ok.. so I've got no one to blame but myself for the late start.. but I can try...

First, I had to check email... and then answer a few of them... and then I needed to restart the client's newsletter from last nite... OH.. and ok... I'll just take a peek at my new comments on Flickr... and of course some of my contacts pics caught my eye.. so a few minutes looking and commenting on their pics... OH.. and then realized I should check in on a post in the bulletin board to see if I got any replies to some questions I asked about the photo card business.... oh... lucky me.. there are some replies... so.. read 'em... and a couple are too good to not respond... so I reply... ok... now I've really gotta get going... oopps... the dog wants out... ok... I'll let her go and then I'll go... yup.. it's a lovely morning all right.. the stupid dog doesn't wanna come in... gee.. but the cat does... Pugsly just strolled right in to the house followed closely by the angry dog... where they proceeded to chase each around the kitchen table with me in hot pursuit.. catch the cat... toss it out the door.... ok... now I can go.... I think I'll head to the Quabbin... grab my bags and the Netflix DVD to be dropped at the post office after I shoot some pics... out to the truck.. key in the ignition... start the truck, proceed to back out of my parking spot.. and on comes the "low gasoline" light.. damn... ok.. so instead of off to the Quabbin.. it's off to the gas station... 35 bucks and 15 minutes later, I realize.. the post office is just up the street, might as well mail off that DVD now... ok... The Maltese Falcon is on it's way back to Netflix.... so now it's after 10am and I can go take some pics... and of course.. that lovely golden light is gone... oh.. it's gone... *sigh...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura.

YEAH... My Flickr site has just hit 10,000 views... awesome... Thanks so much everyone!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 FUN! FUN!
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura.

HEH... Created with - fun with your flickr

How fun is that... my pic in a museum... (ok.. not really)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Gettin' crafty...

Gettin' crafty...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura.

Origami anyone?? Anyone?? I thought these little folded shirts that I found the directions for on the net were really cute... So I spent yesterday folding... it's all really kinda 'zen'... And even better - I was able to size them to fit the small gift card envelopes - how perfect is that for those "didn't know what to get you for your birthday Dude, so here's a shirt and tie" type gift...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Cat in Hat...

Cat in Hat...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura.

My newest toy acquisition.. isn't he cute? I paid big bucks for him at a tag sale... one whole shiney dime.. Thanks to Anita for digging him outta the jumble of stuff this woman had and pointing him out to me..

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Glow in the Dark..

Glow in the Dark..
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura.

This flower garden just about glows in the early evening... it's located outside of a local bank... after taking pictures out the car window after banking hours I realized maybe taking pictures out in front of a closed bank might not be such a good idea... I started to pull away only to spot a police cruiser directly across the street watching me.. LOL.. oops.. as I pulled away.. so did he.. luckily in the other direction... either he didn't see me, didn't care, or recognized me as that crazy camera lady that's always taking pics of stuff..

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Alternative Autumn...

Alternative Autumn...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

Not your usual pumpkin pic...

The Fishers

The Fishers
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

I found this lovely couple at a flea market and just had to have them... 3 dollars later, they were all mine!

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

I met the most wonderful woman at the Farmers' Market - She owns one of the prettiest properties in town and offered me a standing invitation to come and photograph her gardens whenever I like. And OH BOY.. do I LIKE! Here's one from todays visit.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Never leave your cow

Never leave your cow
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

Never leave your cow out in the rain... apparently the black paint runs...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Monday, September 04, 2006

What are you in for?

What are you in for?
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

ppsstt... Buddy... the escape is set for midnite... when you hear the horse whiney we all charge for the gate... got it?

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Red Berry Wreath

Red Berry Wreath
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

I'm sure you'll be seeing more shots of this lovely berry wreath... I may just have to drive around town and place it here and there to be photographed.. I'm thinking a nice white church door is next!