Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Silver TP redemption...

So our Silver Toilet Paper Award winner has made an attempt at redeeming themselves.. If you scroll down you'll see that US Airways was awarded the latest STPA for our horrendous flight down to San Juan and I quote "Will be hearing from me." Well they did hear from me in the form of a letter to their customer service... We received a very nice letter the other day from US Air apologizing for the bad experience... Our biggest beef was the lack of information (customer service)that was offered by the airlines as we stood in line for 3 hours and not one person took the time to explain what they were doing to help us!! I can understand delays but it shouldn't take 13 hours of traveling and 3 different flights to get from Connecticut to Puerto Rico!

So anyway, in fairness to US Air, I thought I'd let you know what they did to 'make up' for the bad experience... we got the nice letter and inside there were 2 vouchers for future travel with them for $150 each. Now we just have to use them within a year and before this airline goes belly up (they are already in Chapter 11)oh.. and not to mention if we want to take the chance of having another vacation start out badly at their hands... I'm thinking....



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