Monday, January 14, 2008

J x 3

J x 3
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

I spent a good hour and half down my driveway the other day waiting for the UPS man. He had thrown my brand new battery grip into a snow banking at the end of my driveway and I needed to meet him to keep him from throwing my new scanner into the same snowbanking. It worked, I was down there shooting and being entertained by these lovely bluejays when he showed up. He was backing into the drive which means that, yes, he fully intended to 'deliver' this package in the same manner he did the battery grip. As I approached the truck he said "Wow.. what timing!" so I replied "Not really, I was waiting for you to keep you from throwing THIS delivery into a snow banking as well." His brilliant response....

"OH.. I would have put this one in a plastic bag for you."


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