Monday, February 12, 2007

More cool stuff...

Well.. I still haven't heard anything from that local guide that asked about using one of my photos for their Spring guidebook... Hopefully it's still a go... However.. I've received a couple new requests... Seems there is a publishing company in Michigan (or is it Missouri) that wants to license the rights to use this photo as a Christmas card:

Because I can.. (by BayRoadPhoto/Laura)

Way cool... Royalties would be paid to me Jan. 31st after the next Christmas season.. only problem is, they want an exclusive on the rights to make this as a greeting card... which would mean, that I wouldn't have the right to use it on my own cards.. So I have to figure out where I might do better, with them.. or on my own.. I think I'll license it to them, I can always do another iteration of the same the photo for myself... a different wreath or something... my original wreath is trashed so I would have to use a different one anyway...

OH.. and then there is a beekeeping group in Germany that wants to use this photo for their journal:

Honey (by BayRoadPhoto/Laura)

No royalties or payment or anything, but I would get a byline... I'd prefer a payment, but I guess just a buyline is ok.. it might be kind of fun knowing that some bee farmers in Germany are checking out my work... and who knows what else this all may lead to...

Once again... have I said "I love Flickr" lately?? Well I do...


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