She'll coax the blues right out of your heart!
An homage to Lucille Ball and the movie Mame.
I've been wanting a snowman... but there just hasn't been time... and after a weekend of trying to find one that someone else had made I gave up (I did find a few but they weren't decorated)... Well.. I got home from the Wally World last nite to be greeted by a giant naked snowman in my front yard... Yes.. Mr. 9 2 Bay built me one!! What a guy, huh? Well, I had a wonderful time decorating "her" this morning... WHAT FUN!
There is always something happening on Route 9 to Bay Road, back to Route 9, across the river, thru the center of Northampton, and on down 10!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Sleeping with the fishes...
You know you have it bad when you purchase a pair of socks specifically for photographic purposes! I was stocking the shelves at Wally World with all these funky socks and as soon as I spotted the goldfish variety I knew I was gonna take this shot!
Monday, February 26, 2007
It's snowing again...
A replacement for my Red Berry Wreath... :) I had to find something, I licensed my original image of the bench with the wreath to a Christmas Card company in Missouri...
Friday, February 23, 2007
Robin's in the Hood!
Can Spring be far behind? Although we did have about 3 inches of new snow last nite! He may have come back a little early!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
The Stupid Little Angry Dog™ - Taken in almost complete darkness in macro mode...
Kind of like how I feel... killer migraines lately... 2 days and still pounding strong... OY... it does seem to be breaking up now tho.. if anyone out there has any home remedies I'd love to hear them!
Kind of like how I feel... killer migraines lately... 2 days and still pounding strong... OY... it does seem to be breaking up now tho.. if anyone out there has any home remedies I'd love to hear them!
Monday, February 19, 2007
It sure was fun up on Cherry Hill Farm...
Out shooting around for President's Day... Get it.. Cherry Hill.. Cherries... George Washington... uumm.. alright.. whatever.. LOL
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Guapo was scheduled to work at noon yesterday.
The "big boss lady" made the "medium boss lady" come in to train her.
Guapo never made it to her training session.
She called at 9am Saturday.
Guapo quit.
I was surprised.
Not that she quit.
I was surprised she was able to use the phone to do so.
The "big boss lady" made the "medium boss lady" come in to train her.
Guapo never made it to her training session.
She called at 9am Saturday.
Guapo quit.
I was surprised.
Not that she quit.
I was surprised she was able to use the phone to do so.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Yellow finch
I've been watching the birdies again... These guys are really bossy... they rule the feeder with an iron claw... kind of like me with the Wally world fitting room... The girl that trained me has moved on to a new job so that gives me seniority over the fitting room and phones.. yup.. that's right.. after a full 2 months of work, I'm the old hand on the farm... nice... They have hired a couple new girls... one I've yet to meet, but I spent all last weekend training the other one... and well.. it's not going so hot... You know.. sometimes it's hard to tell how your doing with some things, but I got a pretty good indicator after having the following conversation with the new girl... We'll call her "Guapo" to protect the "dumb as a post":
Guapo: (paging thruout the store) PAGING... (yes.. I'm using all caps here cause she was YELLING at the top of her lungs into the phone)... SOMEONE IN..... (yes.. I'm using elipses to indicate a pause in her page.. the more periods.. the longer the pause)... GROCERY................. YOU'VE GOT A PHONE CALL....... ON LINE.................... LINE................ (then she looks at me to tell her which button on the phone which is right in front of her is flashing repeatedly)
Me: (waves 2 fingers at her)
Guapo: LINE TWO................................................................
Me: (waiting for her to repeat her lousy page)
Guapo: (turning to me while still holding the phone)............... HOW WAS THAT?
Me: (launching myself over the counter to hang up the page to keep anything else she's gonna say to me from being broadcast across the store..) Guapo.... you have to hang up the page or anything you say will be broadcast across the store....
Guapo: (laughing)... OH gee... How did you figure that out? Did someone tell you, or did it happen to you too?
Now... keep in mind this conversation took place after over 3 hours of training and having her listen to me page at least 50 times, well... and we won't even go into the fact that she is a 50 something year old American woman that apparently has never used a phone before....
I eventually gave up trying to just tell her how to page properly and wrote out the spiel word for word and taped it to the desk in front of the phone... and yup... she still was just making it up off the top of her head..... **sigh****
I left work that nite with my blood pressure thru the roof... so much for my nice stress-free job.... it was so bad I actually got ahold of my boss the next day and sat down and talked to her about Guapo...
The boss: Well... I know you have alot of experience Laura, but you have to realize that not everyone is going to have as much experience as you and will take more training....
Me: I understand that boss Lady, but let me give you a couple of examples... (relay the above story... relay a couple of other stories)
The boss: ................................... (tries to readjust her eyes from the huge holes in her head that they had become..) ....................................... (attempts to pick up her jaw from off the floor)................................... (finally manages to speak)................................ Well....... (attempts to not laugh)........................................ Thank you for sharing that with me.................... Sometimes it's hard to tell what's happening out on the floor unless one of you guys comes to me and lets me know..................... I'll write up some phone etiquette for her before next weekend.......
Me: Thanks so much....
I suspect it's not gonna make much difference...
Guapo: (paging thruout the store) PAGING... (yes.. I'm using all caps here cause she was YELLING at the top of her lungs into the phone)... SOMEONE IN..... (yes.. I'm using elipses to indicate a pause in her page.. the more periods.. the longer the pause)... GROCERY................. YOU'VE GOT A PHONE CALL....... ON LINE.................... LINE................ (then she looks at me to tell her which button on the phone which is right in front of her is flashing repeatedly)
Me: (waves 2 fingers at her)
Guapo: LINE TWO................................................................
Me: (waiting for her to repeat her lousy page)
Guapo: (turning to me while still holding the phone)............... HOW WAS THAT?
Me: (launching myself over the counter to hang up the page to keep anything else she's gonna say to me from being broadcast across the store..) Guapo.... you have to hang up the page or anything you say will be broadcast across the store....
Guapo: (laughing)... OH gee... How did you figure that out? Did someone tell you, or did it happen to you too?
Now... keep in mind this conversation took place after over 3 hours of training and having her listen to me page at least 50 times, well... and we won't even go into the fact that she is a 50 something year old American woman that apparently has never used a phone before....
I eventually gave up trying to just tell her how to page properly and wrote out the spiel word for word and taped it to the desk in front of the phone... and yup... she still was just making it up off the top of her head..... **sigh****
I left work that nite with my blood pressure thru the roof... so much for my nice stress-free job.... it was so bad I actually got ahold of my boss the next day and sat down and talked to her about Guapo...
The boss: Well... I know you have alot of experience Laura, but you have to realize that not everyone is going to have as much experience as you and will take more training....
Me: I understand that boss Lady, but let me give you a couple of examples... (relay the above story... relay a couple of other stories)
The boss: ................................... (tries to readjust her eyes from the huge holes in her head that they had become..) ....................................... (attempts to pick up her jaw from off the floor)................................... (finally manages to speak)................................ Well....... (attempts to not laugh)........................................ Thank you for sharing that with me.................... Sometimes it's hard to tell what's happening out on the floor unless one of you guys comes to me and lets me know..................... I'll write up some phone etiquette for her before next weekend.......
Me: Thanks so much....
I suspect it's not gonna make much difference...
Thursday, February 15, 2007
The ONLY way to make a snowman...
yup... on a piece of Corelle ware on the kitchen table... it's frickin' freezing out there... no way I'm goin' out there unless I absolutely HAVE to... Yeah... it's a slow work day..
Finally - a cardinal!
Yesterdays ice storm finally got a cardinal to take a chance and spend some time at my feeder...
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentines Day everyone... and welcome to winter... FINALLY.. not that I'm a particular fan of ICE!
Due to the lovely ice storm we celebrated Valentine's here on 9 2 Bay last nite... there was a lovely dozen roses for me, in red, white and pink... and for Mr. 9 2 Bay the unusual combination of shrimp and nuts... ok.. so it's a little unusual, but if you know my Valentine, it really was the perfect gift for him... Plus I got to use the phrase "Here's some nuts... cause I'm nuts about you!" (insert an "awwww" here) :)
So... Happy Valentine's to you all out there... stay safe in the ice storm...
Due to the lovely ice storm we celebrated Valentine's here on 9 2 Bay last nite... there was a lovely dozen roses for me, in red, white and pink... and for Mr. 9 2 Bay the unusual combination of shrimp and nuts... ok.. so it's a little unusual, but if you know my Valentine, it really was the perfect gift for him... Plus I got to use the phrase "Here's some nuts... cause I'm nuts about you!" (insert an "awwww" here) :)
So... Happy Valentine's to you all out there... stay safe in the ice storm...
Monday, February 12, 2007
More cool stuff...
Well.. I still haven't heard anything from that local guide that asked about using one of my photos for their Spring guidebook... Hopefully it's still a go... However.. I've received a couple new requests... Seems there is a publishing company in Michigan (or is it Missouri) that wants to license the rights to use this photo as a Christmas card:

Way cool... Royalties would be paid to me Jan. 31st after the next Christmas season.. only problem is, they want an exclusive on the rights to make this as a greeting card... which would mean, that I wouldn't have the right to use it on my own cards.. So I have to figure out where I might do better, with them.. or on my own.. I think I'll license it to them, I can always do another iteration of the same the photo for myself... a different wreath or something... my original wreath is trashed so I would have to use a different one anyway...
OH.. and then there is a beekeeping group in Germany that wants to use this photo for their journal:

No royalties or payment or anything, but I would get a byline... I'd prefer a payment, but I guess just a buyline is ok.. it might be kind of fun knowing that some bee farmers in Germany are checking out my work... and who knows what else this all may lead to...
Once again... have I said "I love Flickr" lately?? Well I do...

Way cool... Royalties would be paid to me Jan. 31st after the next Christmas season.. only problem is, they want an exclusive on the rights to make this as a greeting card... which would mean, that I wouldn't have the right to use it on my own cards.. So I have to figure out where I might do better, with them.. or on my own.. I think I'll license it to them, I can always do another iteration of the same the photo for myself... a different wreath or something... my original wreath is trashed so I would have to use a different one anyway...
OH.. and then there is a beekeeping group in Germany that wants to use this photo for their journal:

No royalties or payment or anything, but I would get a byline... I'd prefer a payment, but I guess just a buyline is ok.. it might be kind of fun knowing that some bee farmers in Germany are checking out my work... and who knows what else this all may lead to...
Once again... have I said "I love Flickr" lately?? Well I do...
Friday, February 09, 2007
What a find...
I'll definitely be back with a bowler hat... an umbrella... some army boots... and long black wool coat!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
C H O - C O L... And an A T E....
yup... I ate this... can you say PMS? Can you say ANTIQUE... yup... that is my Mickey Plate from when I was a mere tot... it's gotta be at least 40 years old... and I still have the matching bowl as well!
Flickr is down this morning...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Randy wonders why Dwaynes is so much bigger...
Heh... WHAT?
OK... so maybe yesterdays horoscope was really meant for today...
OK... so maybe yesterdays horoscope was really meant for today...
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Today's post will not be posted...
That's right... no post today... Why? you may ask? I got this as a horoscope:
Here is your horoscope
for Tuesday, February 6:
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Maybe you could make that the policy for your fantasy life too. You don't need to share every thought or impulse that crosses your brain -- some are for private enjoyment only!
So... I'm just gonna privately enjoy my thoughts today... too bad... cause it was REALLY good!
Here is your horoscope
for Tuesday, February 6:
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Maybe you could make that the policy for your fantasy life too. You don't need to share every thought or impulse that crosses your brain -- some are for private enjoyment only!
So... I'm just gonna privately enjoy my thoughts today... too bad... cause it was REALLY good!
Monday, February 05, 2007
Tickle the Sky...
I managed to squeeze in a half hour of shooting on Saturday before I had to report to the Thong department... Hopefully the snow will last until Friday when I should be able to get out and about and shoot some more!
My Freaky Chickadee
Finally... I've been trying to get a shot of this guy for over a month... he never hangs around the feeder for long... not sure if he's old or injured but he's lost most of the normal black-cap of the 'normal' chickadee...
Friday, February 02, 2007
Nope... no shadow here!
Happy Groundhog Day! Even tho there is no shadow I have my doubts that we won't have 6 more weeks of winter... we haven't had a REAL winter as yet.. why change things now?
UPDATE: OK.. so it was pointed out to me on Flickr that technically.. this is a HEDGE HOG.. LOL... Oh well.. close enough.. but I can no longer guarantee the accuracy of his shadow prediction!
UPDATE: OK.. so it was pointed out to me on Flickr that technically.. this is a HEDGE HOG.. LOL... Oh well.. close enough.. but I can no longer guarantee the accuracy of his shadow prediction!
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