Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Balloon for Melissa!

A Balloon for Melissa!
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

or should I say, A Balloon for Selectwoman Melissa!

A good friend of mine just won herself a seat on our local Board of Selectmen! She will most definitely be a huge asset to the town of Ware!

I sat through quite a few town meetings with Melissa when we were lobbying for space and funds to get the Farmer's Market started here in town. After each meeting we would have quite the discussions (over ice cream) about what we would love to see changed about the convoluted, red-tape-laden, pain-in-the-butt, no-wonder-nothing-ever-gets-done, meeting process. We always joked that one of us should run for office and try to make some changes. I guess that's the difference between her and I. I talked. SHE DID IT!

Congratulations Melissa!

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