Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Blue Window

My Blue Window
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

've been getting spoiled at my new job, they actually gave me a window seat! Mine is the top right. I even had a couple of feathered visitors today... ok.. so they were pigeons which are basically 'sky rats'... but it was cool just the same. Cities spend thousands upon thousands of dollars trying to rid the city of these flying scourges of car owners everywhere, I think I've found the perfect answer for them, all you have to do is hire a fleet of pigeon photographers because apparently all it takes is pointing a camera at them and they fly off. DSLRs for everyone... pigeon problem solved.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jenny and The Republican

Jenny and The Republican
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

This is one of the coolest buildings in the entire city of Springfield, MA. The Republican Newspaper. The curve to the building is not lens induced but the actually way the building is. If you go large you can see three really cool huge tanks in the bottom right; one red, one yellow and one blue. The company I started working for on Monday has a really strong affiliation with these guys and I'm hoping that along with my press pass I get an indepth tour of this building. I definitely will be stopping back by here after dark as I can only imagine what this place looks like all lit up! OH.. and just ignore that "No Parking" sign... We weren't parked, we were on a photo-safari.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


| | | | m | u | z | z | l | e | d | | | |
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

I really like this shot of the Wallaby I took at the zoo the other day. I call it "Muzzled" which frankly I would have liked to have done to Mom yesterday. I picked her up in Jenny (with the top down) and took her up to the Dairy Queen for ice cream for her birthday. After slathering herself with sunscreen that had an SPF rating of like 345, we headed up town for the 5 minute ride to the DQ. Amazingly she didn't make a single comment about how she shouldn't be eating ice cream and she even requested whipped cream on her Sundae. Nope, instead, as we were standing in line making our flavor decisions she regaled me with stories about her colonoscopy and how she can't have nuts or seeds anymore. Somehow my Peanut Buster Parfait with it's plethora of Spanish Peanuts just didn't seem the same. It wasn't as bad as you think though, probably because I had heard the colonoscopy story before, you know, when I was standing in line for the buffet at big brother's 50th birthday party.

I tell you, who needs Jenny Craig when you can just have dinner with Mom.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yes, yes, it's me

Yes, yes, it's me
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura
No, I don't know why. I also don't know exactly what the Stupid Little Angry Dog™ was doing behind me, this isn't the first selfie I've done where she's just kind of hanging out in the background and something tells me it won't be the last. OH, and the audio on this thing really stinks, my son assures me that I DO NOT have a lisp, contrary to what it sounds like on here.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dig Dog Dig

Dig Dog Dig
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura
Here's some more video for you, just because I can. It's somewhat low quality as it was shot with a BlackJack phone, but you can get the idea... With our luck she was probably trying to dig a bear out of it's den.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

If he ever writes a book this should be his cover portrait.

If he ever writes a book this should be his cover portrait.
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

These little guys were my absolute favorite at the zoo. The Marmoset. They are so tiny, with heads about the size of golf balls, and yet have so much personality. He was just as curious about my camera as I was of him.

Osprey Cam

Osprey Cam
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

We took a ride down to Rhode Island yesterday and spotted these nesting osprey's off the side of the road in a marsh. Yes, that is a webcam that is pointed at the nest. Cool, huh? This is the feed from the webcam. See the spot of blue material in the front of the nest here, you can see it on the webcam as well. BTW... the male is sitting on the nest here and the female is on the camera stand so apparently they are still in the building process.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

I got an email from Sister #3 suggesting that I post this picture here. She had spotted it on my Flickr account and really liked it and was questioning as to whether everyone that reads this blog (or my other blog) is aware that what they see on here is just a fraction of what I actually shoot. What she doesn't realize is that even the Flickr account is a fraction of what I actually shoot. Often I'll get 4 or 5 or 20 awesome shots of a particular subject and to keep the Flickr account interesting, I'll only post 1 or maybe 2. To this I say.. You should see my hard drive... . Anyway... So, here you go...

You.. Again....

Several times on my way down the driveway, I've caught this guy diving and swooping at his own reflection in the old "Nice Boat"... He's got to be wondering how come every time he comes around that same freakin' other guy is hanging around too!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I <3 you, now give me more food.

Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

The tree rats are getting smarter and one day will evolve completely and begin their assault, eventually taking over the entire free world, one nut at a time.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

I love this one. Straight outta the camera.. well ok.. I played with the exposure a bit but that was it.. I was shooting just as another car startled the deer and I just followed along with the camera.

A Balloon for Melissa!

A Balloon for Melissa!
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

or should I say, A Balloon for Selectwoman Melissa!

A good friend of mine just won herself a seat on our local Board of Selectmen! She will most definitely be a huge asset to the town of Ware!

I sat through quite a few town meetings with Melissa when we were lobbying for space and funds to get the Farmer's Market started here in town. After each meeting we would have quite the discussions (over ice cream) about what we would love to see changed about the convoluted, red-tape-laden, pain-in-the-butt, no-wonder-nothing-ever-gets-done, meeting process. We always joked that one of us should run for office and try to make some changes. I guess that's the difference between her and I. I talked. SHE DID IT!

Congratulations Melissa!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Cake for a Quitter...

Cake for a Quitter...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

One of my wonderful, now ex, coworkers got me this lovely cake for my last day at the Walmart Photo Lab yesterday. How awesome is that? It was not only delicious, but extremely fitting. Note the "Walmart happy face" decoration. I insisted that I get to scrape off the happy face and eat it before I cut the cake to share. They willingly obliged. It tasted sweet... Really sweet... in more ways than one! Now... on to much bigger and better things! :)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I think this is a repeat

You may have seen this bit of video on here before but FLICKR (where I host all my photos) just added a video function and in the interest of finding out if the "send to blog" function works with video like it does with photos, you guys get to see it again. Lucky, lucky you!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

The secret to 53 years of happy marriage.

The secret to 53 years of happy marriage.
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

Sometimes hours would go by when Grandpa just couldn't find Grandma. He never worried much, she would always turn up, with a smile on her face and pine pitch in her hair.